+2 Science : CHSE Science Book

by Odia Tech Center



‘’CHSE Science Book : +2 Science’’ App is a purely educational app for CHSE board students. Based on online class and online study we develop this for students to help online based education. According to students concerned this app is made like they want, every required important option and material is added.CHSE Science Book app made for helping CHSE board students get their required books and solution paper. This app will shift students to an online reading environment and adopt a new way of learning. We provide chse odisha books class 12 and chse odisha books class 11.We design this app very simple and easy to use/navigate. We provide all our features free. Students can find plus 2 books and chse science books very easily. Students are like solutions papers so we add solutions to help students also with the current year syllabus to complete their study smoothly.App features :-Contain CHSE Science BooksChapter Wise ListSample Question Paper AvailableSolution and Syllabus Once Download Then Offline UseEverything Is FreeSupport Our User & Listen themIf you like our service kindly give a positive opinion and rate us five stars. Dont hesitate to tell us about adding any other features. You can reach us at the contact us option or mail us on “[email protected]”. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you.*NOTE:- All the files and books collected from the internet. The main source is chseodisha.nic.in